Top 10 New Years Resolutions for 2010

1. To Quit Smoking - Although the word has been out for sometime now on the health issues that are caused by this habit, more and    more people try smoking everyday, most of them becoming addicted. For people who have never tried it, it's hard to believe that something that is seemingly so inocent as taking a puff from a cigarette can be so addicting - those of us that are smokers or have been smokers in the past know how strong that urge can be. Millions of people spend the better part of their adult lives trying to kick the habit that for most began as a childhood dare a childhood dare.Few smokers are able to kick the habit on their own, most need some type of multi step program such as This to be able to accomplish the ultimate resolution goal of being completely smoke free for 2010. Its easy to resort to drugs and nicotine filled patches and pills, but most people that successfully are able to quit smoking for good use some type of step based program that helps you to learn how to conquer your habit - its like mind over matter.

2. To stop or reduce your Alcohol intake. No matter what your personal situation is, we all have either been in a situation where we or someone else had been drinking to excess and did something either harmful or embarassing. No matter how you look at it, if you or a friend seem to be repeating this process multiple times, this might be a good resolution. No matter what your reasons are some positives to taking on this new years resolutions might be saving money, having a clearer mind and to be healthier. Although the research points to a glass of wine every day or so being good for your health, much more than that on a regular basis is not.Lots of people have been looking to multi step based program to help them quit or cut down such as This.

3. To read more Books. If you take public transportation, this is a great way to pass the time. Depending on what type of books you prefer, this new years resolution can help accomplish several goals, you can learn a new subject or about a hobby that you have been meaning to pick up - this can also go along with furthering your education and helping to get a better job. Lots of families are trying to cut down on television watching and video gaming and what could be a better substitute for of entertainment than a good book!

4. To be more Organized. Everyone has something about their home or work area that they wish was more organized. This resolution can double as a psychological move to clean our your head or your life of unwanted negativity. Its a proven fact that calm, centered people live in more organized environments then their more stressed and frazzled counterparts. This is also a great way to contribute to charities in this hard economic time when monetary donations might be more difficult to come by. Go through all of your things and donate those that still have some useful life left win them and the rest can be thrown away or re-organized into their original home.

5. To either go on a Diet or become Healthier in general. Even if you are happy with your weight (and of course if you are not) there are things in just about any person's diet that could use improving. There also are probably parts of your body that you would like to change, and since plastic surgery is out of most people's price range, using certain exercises are the cheapest option to go with. If abs are your nemasis then you should check out This product. It works great and is so easy.If weight is your issue, like some 30-40% of americans then deciding that weightloss will be your main resolution might be a wise choice.

6. To get out of Debt and/or take control of your Finances. I know its hard to even consider in a recession, but this is actually the best time to try and dig yourself out of the hole you may have gotten yourself into due to lack of job, too many credit cards or huge student loans. There are lots of federally funded programs available to those that qualify as well as many not for profit companies that can also council you on making the best decision.Although the for profit companies have gotten a bit of a bad rap for charging exhorbitant fees and tricking people, the goverment has stepped in and cracked down on this industry leaving several really great options open for people in need of debt help.

7. To save Money - cash is everything. You can have all the credit in the world but if you don't have a certain reserve of cash you can really get into trouble if certain emergencies happen to you or your family. There are so many great new ways to save cash without it having a huge effect on your lifestyle and bottom line. Some banks have programs where for each transaction you make with your check card, they round up the change to the next dollar and deposit that fraction of a dollar in your savings account. It may not seem like much, but if you use your check card a few times a day it can really add up over time. Another way to save money automatically is to set up your direct deposit for you paycheck where a certain amount is automatically deposited into your savings account. Its also often helpful to have your savings in a completely seperate bank than your checking, this way you aren't tempted to make transfers when you may really not need to tap into those saved funds.

8. To reduce Stress in specific areas and/or all aspects of our lives Science has proved that people that have less stress in their lives are happier, healthier and live longer more fullfiling lives. Some ways to achieve this might be, riding your life of toxic people, these are friends and acquaintences that contribute more negative than positive. Another way to rid yourself of excess stress is to look at your activities and those of your family and decide if there are too many. Although certain things may be fun or interesting, if getting there and taking the time to do them stresses you out or makes you pressed for time you might want to cut down. Choose the ones that are your favorites and eliminate those that you can do without. There are many stress reducing programs out there today, but none quite like This - which can help you teach your body to process stress in a completely different way.

9. To either continue finish or begin a new Education. Its easy to start something with the greatest of intentions and then realize that there is just not enough time to get everything accomplished. Family and friend obligations can take up so much time that before you know it its been years since you started a degree program or since you looked into beginning those continuing education classes. Staying educated is one of the most useful new years resolutions for 2010 and can help you in many faucets of your life, work, hobbies, contributing to the education of your children, the list goes on and on.The internet has made doing this so much easier by offering a plethora of online courses and degree programs that take the hassle out of going to the classroom and working around scheduling conflicts. You just sit at home, in your pajamas in the quiet of your own office and do your coursework.

10. To get a better Job. This is probably one of the most difficult ones to accomplish in this hard economic time. In order to accomplish this you really have to be on your toes. Work on your resume and make sure it is in tip top shape as well as having rock solid references. 

Typically your local continuing education center offers classes to help you perfect your interviewing skills and help you to know what to say to make companies want to hire you and more importantly to pay you more!Since finding new jobs has been so increasingly difficult, many people are turning to supplimental income to make up the gap. One of the biggest trends is working a second job from home.

It allows you to stay home with your family, saving money on childcare and having more flexibility than one typically would if they were working 2 jobs. This service can be very helpful in finding legitimate work from home jobs. Many companies advertise these but end up really being a scam where you have to pay lots of money and then still do not end up with a paying job.

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